Campaign '04

Kucinich on Bush policy rumors

Rep. Dennis Kucinich, another Democratic candidate for President, spoke out on the rumors of a new Bush space policy initiative during a mini-debate in Washington DC on Friday. (I use the term “mini-debate” because the only other candidates participating were Moseley-Braun and Sharpton; all three are marginal candidates.) The Washington Post quoted Kucinich as critical of the proposed plan to send humans back to the Moon and on to Mars: “Maybe what they’re getting ready for is a war on Mars. We have to keep an eye on them since they’re into unilateral [action] and preemption.” Kucinich added that he is a “strong supporter” of NASA but that he also wants “to explore planet Earth and planet D.C.” (I know DC is small, but sometimes it can seem like a whole other world.)

1 comment to Kucinich on Bush policy rumors

  • Kucinich betrays his ignorance, as most scientifically and philosophically illiterate politicians do, when making trite comments about complex problems. When couched as a legitimate criticism of the President’s policies, Kucinich’s comments seem even more transparent, if such empty comments can be.

    I respect anyone who is critical of the President’s space policy (and any policy, for that matter) and is capable of pointing out specific problems with the policy and solutions to mitigate them. But goofy one-liners make a candidate or politician look idiotic.

    The more interesting question is this: What did Al Sharpton think of the President’s space policy? I’m sure the answer would make for good comedy.